We recommend using one of the trusted wallets for your crypto. The best wallets available
to you on our website include MetaMask, Coinbase wallet, Rabby wallet, Argent, Ledger,
Rainbow, and Trust wallet.
The steps to add tokens to the wallet are the same everywhere:
to import OneArt to the ethereum network
— copy the 1art contract address 0xd3c325848d7c6e29b574cb0789998b2ff901f17e
into the selected wallet.
to import OneArt to the bsc network
— copy the 1art contract address 0xd3c325848d7c6e29b574cb0789998b2ff901f17e
into the selected wallet.
to import OneArt to the polygon network
— copy the 1art contract address 0xd3c325848d7c6e29b574cb0789998b2ff901f17e
into the selected wallet.
to import OneArt to the fantom network
— copy the 1art contract address 0xd3c325848d7c6e29b574cb0789998b2ff901f17e
into the selected wallet.
It is important to be extremely careful when you select the network and copy the contract address.
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