We recommend using one of the trusted wallets for your crypto. The best wallets available
to you on our website include MetaMask, Coinbase wallet, Rabby wallet, Argent, Ledger,
Rainbow, and Trust wallet.
The steps to add tokens to the wallet are the same everywhere:
to import Obyte to the ethereum network
— copy the gbyte contract address 0x31f69de127c8a0ff10819c0955490a4ae46fcc2a
into the selected wallet.
to import Obyte to the bsc network
— copy the gbyte contract address 0xeb34de0c4b2955ce0ff1526cdf735c9e6d249d09
into the selected wallet.
to import Obyte to the polygon network
— copy the gbyte contract address 0xab5f7a0e20b0d056aed4aa4528c78da45be7308b
into the selected wallet.
to import Obyte to the kava network
— copy the gbyte contract address 0x0b93109d05ef330acd2c75148891cc61d20c3ef1
into the selected wallet.
It is important to be extremely careful when you select the network and copy the contract address.
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