Next Generation of Web3
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Everything in Free, Plus:
What's included:
Develop & manage your own white label dashboards for your projects
Personal Domain
You will get your own domain name for your project
Swap on Your Platform
Swap tool for rapid token purchase
Customization dashboard for your brand
Full Volume of Data
Fundamental Analysis of On-Chain Token Activity, Holders, Emission
Main Features of Pro Version
Our own developments based on web3 data
Web3 Institutional Scoring off-Chain/on-Chain
Evaluate the prospects of investments in a matter of seconds, without spending hours analyzing and collecting information.
Inflation & Deflation
Emission is essential for managing digital asset supply, controlling value, inflation, deflation, and ensuring market stability and competitiveness.
On/Off-Chain Dashboards
Market Analysis (Basic)
Fundamental Analytics (Basic)
Social Metrics (Basic)
Liquidity Pools Explorer
Coin Swap
Exchange Fee 0.8%
Scoring on 65 Parameters
Detailed Data of Smart Money and P&L
Exchange Fee 0.25%
Airdrop Game Boost x2
Inflation & Deflation Analytics
Wallet, Holder, P&L Analytics
Smartmoney, Market Share, Accumulation
Twitter & Telegram Social Network Analysis
Full Analysis of Traders & Holders
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